Slighty... ok, entirely self-indulgent. I find myself often having in depth revelations/musings about my gaming habits and gaming in general. Rather than simply posting it on random sites and clogging up forums, I figured it would be better to do it in a place where people can more readily ignore me. So without further... um... yeah.
Published on January 29, 2012 By Krantos In FE Beta

Long story short, the Beserker's Axe is broken. For those who don't know, the axe grants the "Maul" ability which means that whenever the character successfully completes an attack, they take another attack at -3 Accuracy. This repeats until they miss.

You can probably see why this is a problem. Using this axe my level 12 champion, Lithii Seratta, killed Vetra in 2 turns. Seriously. Her first turn she lowered his HP to 14.

The axe probably isn't that bad on a different character, but prior to getting it I'd been focusing my champion on Initiative and accuracy. With a high accuracy character, the axe simply kills anything in one turn. 

A solution I came up with is to change the -3 to -2 and have it cumulative. Basically, the first attack would have normal Acc, second would be Acc -2, third would be Acc - 4, etc.

From a coding perspective, in my amateur opinion, you could just declare a local variable (numHit) in the attack loop that increments every time the loop is run. Something like:


Int numHit = 0;




 [other stuff]

toHit = [stuff] (accuracy - (numHit * 2)) [ stuff];

[more stuff]

numHit += 1;

}while (success == true);


Don't get me wrong, I like the Axe, but being able to kill a Titan in 2 turns with a single character is kind of ridiculous.


on Jan 29, 2012

1. it is already cummulative. -3 per attack cumulative.

The thing is your attack is HUGE. its 2 x level +bonuses. My level 38 char has an attack of 127

2. 0.77 supposedly nerfed it to -4 per attack cumulative.

3. 0.77 is actually bugged now, where the second attack can never ever hit no matter how high your attack is. I got a thread on it at least and most people said the same happened to them. Although some are getting additional hits somehow.

on Jan 29, 2012

There's no way that it's cumulative in .76.  When my champion was fighting Vetrar she was only doing 3-8 pts of damage per hit. He has something like 229 hit points.


If you figure my average attack did 5 pts. of damage I had to hit him 43 times to get his health down to 14. My champion was only lvl 12 so she only had about 35 Accuracy with bonuses. That means by the time she missed her accuracy would have been -94.


Maybe the axe is bugged in my game, but there's no way it was adding -3 to my accuracy with each hit.

Ediit: Just dl'd .77 and checked the change log. I see maul in there now. Hopefully this will fix things.

on Jan 29, 2012

It isn't cumulative in .76,

but it is in .77


In the game I just played I got the Winter Lord's health down by a third with this. Then he one shotted the champion (took half her health off the first hit, I healed it, then he one shotted her).

on Jan 29, 2012

Still not convinced it's cumulative in .77. My champion just took about 5-8 hits to take out a Guardian statue in one turn. Also some scrap golem groups have taken a similar amount of hit, but I've still one-turn killed them.

on Jan 29, 2012

It isn't cumulative in .76,

but it is in .77

Not quite.

It isn't cumlative in .76

In .77 the release notes CLAIM its cumulative, and for most people it doesn't work at all never hitting a second time. For some it does work as intended and hits a few times then misses.

on Jan 29, 2012

Still not convinced it's cumulative in .77. My champion just took about 5-8 hits to take out a Guardian statue in one turn. Also some scrap golem groups have taken a similar amount of hit, but I've still one-turn killed them.


Did you start a new game? Otherwise its loading the old xml like wom always did.

on Jan 29, 2012

I started a new game in .77 last night and was excited to get the Berzerker axe today but quickly traded it in.  My hero that I've been focusing accuracy on never got a second hit after about 10 battles.  It's definitely not overpowered in .77 though I will agree in .75, which I had been playing it was a bit ridiculous.   I also took out an elemental lord in 2 rounds.